Débutants 2019/2020

Débutants 2019/2020

toring the linetired of toein the line - rocky burnettevikki morris
ARIZONA FREEZEstranger in my house - ronnie milsapinconnuvideo
LINDI SHUFFLEi need more of you - bellamy brthersjane smeevideo
ROCKET TO THE SUNwhat you have done to me - samantha jademaddison glovervideo
MISS MOLLYqueen of the top - bobby darinwadlei guenthervideo
STRAIT DOWNbelieve my baby - trisha yearwoodjoanne bealvideo
wandererthe wanderer - eddie rabbitjune wilsonvideo
CHEYENNEspirit of the hawk - rednexinconnuvideo
THESE OLD BOOTSthese old boots - aaron watsonrob fowlervideo
LAST NIGHTlast time till the next time - jamie richardsarnaud marraffavideo
ROAD HOUSE ROCKused to be a country town - sons of palaminorob fowlervideo
COTTON EYED JOE mixercotton eyed joe - rednexc w parkervideo
TAKE ME HOMEtake me home - tol et tolkaren trippvideo
LITTLE NANCY MULLIGANlittle nancy mulligan - ef sheeranron bloyevideo
RADIO SONGtank of gas and a radio song- travis denningmartine canonnevideo
COUNTRY AS CAN BEcountry as a boy can be - brady sealssuzanne wilsonvideo
ROSE A LEErose a lee - smokiemicaela svensson erlandssonvideo
MEAT AND POTATO MANmeat and potato man - alan jacksonkaren trippvideo
24 REASONS24 reasons - kadoohrob fowlervideo
LOVE AIN'Tlove ain't - eli young bounddarren baileyvideo
GIRL OF THE SUMMERgirl of the summer - kip moorekate salavideo